When tuning a
piano, a tuning fork of known frequency
is struck while the key to be tuned is played. If the key is "out of
tune", the combined sound of the fork and the key is heard
"beating", where the resulting sound seems to pulse in volume.
The pulsing happens when the two frequencies meet in the air. If the
sound waves are out of phase they cancel each other's air pressure
and if they are in phase they reinforce the air pressure (sum).
The frequency of the beating, the result of the air pressure
being cyclically reinforced and then reduced, is the exactly the
difference of the frequencies of the key and tuning fork. When the
key is "in tune", no beating is heard because the key and fork have
the same frequency and the difference in frequency is therefore
Two tones adding up together resulting in a tone with a beat.
The difference between binaural beats and tuning a piano is that the
beating frequency is generated in the brain, by summation of
electrical impulses. The ears don't hear any beating. binaural beats
originate in the brainstem's superior olivary nucleus, the site
where the electrical pulses of each ear meet.
binaural beat is neurologically conveyed to the reticular formation.
The reticular formation regulates arousal. A brain in a coma
has no reticular formation activity . Binaural beats activates the
reticular formation producing a change in mood and consciousness,
effectively tuning the brain.
This change in mood and
consciousness can be measured with an electroencephalogram (EEG).
The EEG traces the electric activity of the brain, called
brainwaves, on the surface of the skull.

The EEG frequencies of brain are between 0Hz to 40
Hz. Coincidentally, the earth electromagnetic resonance frequencies
are the same as the EEG's.
7.83Hz is the biggest
natural electromagnetic resonance frequency of the earth.
There are
seven naturally occurring electromagnetic vibrations in the
atmosphere, which are called the Schumann frequencies.
7.83Hz is also in the Alpha range (7.5 to 14Hz)
of the brain waves (EEG) spectrum. Alpha brain waves
occur when a person relaxes. 7.83Hz can be a special brain
frequency because animals evolved surrounded by the earth's Schumann
The binaural
beat file available here helps reset the brain to this frequency,
induce a feeling of relaxation, relieve mental fatigue and elevates
Download an MP3 file of an binaural beat at 7.83Hz.
You need a pair of headset
while playing the file in stereo to hear the beats.
This file was generated
using the free BrainWave
Generator program.